Smart Tweezers® ST5S-BT2: Smart Tweezers® with Bluetooth Functionality
Bluetooth Enabled Smart Tweezers® Remotely Records Measurement Results in Real-Time
Smart Tweezers® ST5S-BT2 is a new version of the popular ST-5S model with the same abilities and 0.2% basic accuracy with the added benefit of remotely recording measurement values over Bluetooth. The device is able to send measurement data to programs on PC using the receiver stick, while also being able to receive specific measurement settings through custom profiles.
When connected, the ST5S-BT2 device will open a virtual serial port to send data to the communication software in a string of comma separated values. This string represents what is displayed on the device's screen at the time of measurement. For example, C1.398nF,R3.461kR,10kHz,0.5,S,,,,; is received. This represents the main impedance value and its type (Capacitor 1.398nF), secondary value with type, test frequency, test signal level, measurement mode, and 4 reserved values.
The information received, depending on the software that received it, can be saved into a file or database to be processed or reviewed later.
Connecting to Smart Tweezers® ST5S-BT2
Note: The Bluetooth receiver stick must be used for connections to certain programs ie: NI LabView®.
Use With National Instruments LabView ®
The ST5S-BT2 connects to National Instruments' LabView® via a supported and certified driver. This allows a smooth integration of the device into the program's interface. LabView is then able to log sent data, create databases, and provide a visualization for sent information.

Microsoft Window's Smart Tweezers® Bluetooth Utility
Smart Tweezers® Bluetooth can connect with Windows 7, 8 and 10 using the Smart Tweezers® Bluetooth Companion. This program allows the device to send information to and from the connected computer. This program can save custom profiles for specific settings using previous measurements or manually. Bluetooth Companion can also use predetermined device settings saved for the profiles; these automatically are sent to the device when using the profile, ie: test frequencies set to 10kHz.
The program shows pass/no pass by differentiating colours (red or green) when using profiles. Once a measurement is complete, the program will compare the measurement to the parameters set and define it as a pass or fail.
The Companion is able to export data in a .cvs file to be used with excel or copied and pasted into a text file.
Siborg has compiled a
manual for Window's Bluetooth Companion.

Dedicated Apps for Mobile Devices
ST5S-BT2 is able to connect with tablets and smart phones using dedicated apps that are available in the Apple Appstore and Google Play Store for Android devices. These apps can log data and visualize measurements.
Custom Applications
The device is also available to connect to a wider range of applications for custom environments. The receiver is based on FTDI bridge and creates a virtual RS232 serial port allowing for connection.
Features on Smart Tweezers® ST5S-BT2
- Manual and automatic L, C, R, ESR and Z test modes
- Basic accuracy of 0.2%
- Component sorting with variable tolerances of 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%
- Adjustable test signal levels
- Parasitic offset subtraction
- Continuity/diode/short testing
- Extensive menus for customized measurements
- 1 oz. weight
- NIST traceable calibration certificate
- Li-Ion battery with micro-USB charger included
- 4-way joystick navigation
Technical Specifications
- Frequency:0.1, 0.12, 1, 10 kHz +/- 0.005%
- Test Signal Level: 0.45, 0.9 +/- 5% Vrms
- Source Impedance: 62.5Ω/1kΩ/16kΩ +/- 1%
Typical Accuracy
- Resistance: 0.2%
- Capacitance: 0.2%
- Inductance: 0.2%
Measurement Range:
- Resistance: 0.1 Ohm to 10 Mohms
- Capacitance: 0.5 pF to 1 mF
- Inductance: 0.5 uH to 1H
The Smart Tweezers® ST5S-BT2 is available in the LCR-Reader Store. Siborg has created two options for the device; one with the receiver stick and the other without.
Please note when purchasing: the receiver stick is needed for computers to receive the data. Some communication software requires the receiver stick, including NI LabView®